Our Journey



February 26, 2020

By installing AC in the womb of the temple

God will not get rid of the heat But the body in which the supreme soul is, That body steps from the heat Saving will bring joy to the Lord.

12 names of the sun were recited by the children.

March 27, 2020

Salute to those who search Shiva in their lives…

Connect with Antimdham family Mr. Manishbhai Thakor and his friends Asarwa expansion of Ahmedabad by In need for a retarded person

Food prasad should be selfless service It has been.

Antimdham family in this great work Collaboration of ₹ 11,000 /- by.





June 21, 2020

I don’t stay after that What remains is left That is ‘my’ life…

Peepal tree 24 hours everyone Life provides air.

Establishment of 13 people on the day of solar eclipse

Tree plantation with conservation and care

The work will be meaningful by taking a resolution.

December 27, 2020

Accomplishment of 80 bottles of blood For Thalassemic Children. 16 Blood Donor Donate First Time





January 18, 2021

Antimdham Ashram on every Sunday In the blissful Yagna school of Eternal Cow Shala Cow’s ghee, kande (sprinkle) and Jaw mole by havan material For the purification of person, object, idea, environment Yagna work is being done. Any one by contacting above 9979911008 Person free with family (special child) Only on Sunday 6-00 pm to 07-00 pm You can participate by turning off your mobile.

One Nation

One Mission

One Vision

Let’s do some new Creation For our Next Generation…